Tuesday, 14 July 2015

How To Make Alkaline Water And Normalize Your Body’s pH!

Water is the most valuable resource in the world. After all this years we begin to understand that. About 70 percent of the human body and brain are made up from water.
Water is so vital to our survival in every sense of the word.
Alkaline water has the biggest level of hydration and is a excellent source of minerals vital to our body.
Because of our today’s ways of nutrition which is mainly consisted of processed food that includes salt, sugar, caffeine and alcohol – the most common form of pH imbalance is excess acidity.
Symptoms that point to the fact that your body is too acidic are tiredness, headache, stomach ache and a weakened immune system.
If the environment in our bodies is too acid or alkaline, our otherwise healthy cells can become toxic, collapse and die. An unbalanced pH damages the tissues.
If the body experiences an acidic environment for a longer period, it will ultimately deposit excess acidic substances into some area of the body in efforts to alkalize itself.
In that way, acidity increases in some areas and some cells die, but others may still live and/or adapt or turn into malignant.
Cancer cells can’t live in alkaline water.
That’s why drinking alkaline water is very, very useful.
Our body surveillance systems are responsible for our pH balance values, so they remove acid residue without damaging living cells.
However, if the load becomes too big, the result can be fatal to your body.
One more reason why you should drink alkaline water is the hydration of our body.
So protect and regenerate your body by making this water and drinking it on a daily basis.
Making it is simple and easy.
This is what you need:
  • 2l water, clean filtered water (if only tap water is available, than use that one)
  • 1 organic lemon, washed, cut into eights
  • 1 teaspoon of Himalayan salt
Fill the jug, than add the lemon slices (do not squeeze them!) and then add 1 teaspoon of Himalayan salt in it and cover it. Let it stay overnight (8 to 12 hours) at room temperature.
Drink 3 glasses of water every morning when you wake up before you eat or drink anything else to achieve the best pH balance in your body.
Start trying it tomorrow and your body will thank you!
Article Source: http://thespiritscience.net/2015/07/14/how-to-make-alkaline-water-and-normalize-your-bodys-ph/

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